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Why you should retrofit batteries to an existing PV system?

Published on
November 21, 2023
David Davidson

Retrofitting batteries to an existing Solar Photovoltaic (PV) system can significantly enhance the system's efficiency and your energy independence. The inclusion of batteries allows for greater control over your energy usage, aligning with the evolving landscape of energy production and consumption. This article delves into the key aspects of self-consumption, the benefits of adding batteries to your solar setup, and how energy companies like Octopus Energy are innovating in the realm of feed-in tariffs and energy management.

Self-Consumption: Maximizing Solar Energy Use

Self-consumption refers to using the energy you produce, rather than sending it back to the grid. For solar PV system owners, this means consuming the electricity generated by your panels. When solar panels produce more power than needed, the excess energy is typically exported to the grid. By adding a battery system, this energy can instead be stored for later use, such as during the night or on cloudy days when solar generation is low.

The primary advantage of self-consumption is reduced reliance on the grid. This not only lowers your energy bills but also decreases your carbon footprint, contributing to a more sustainable future. Additionally, during power outages or periods of high demand when grid electricity is more expensive or less reliable, having a battery ensures continuous power supply.

Benefits of Adding Batteries to Your Solar System

  1. Increased Energy Independence: Batteries allow you to store surplus solar energy, reducing dependency on the grid. This is particularly beneficial in areas with unreliable power supplies.
  2. Economic Savings: By maximizing self-consumption, you can significantly cut down on electricity bills. Batteries enable the use of solar energy even when the sun isn't shining, reducing the need to buy expensive grid electricity.
  3. Enhanced Grid Stability: When more people store and use their solar energy, it reduces the strain on the grid, especially during peak hours.
  4. Backup Power: In the event of grid outages, a battery can provide essential power to keep your lights on and appliances running.
  5. Potential Revenue: Some energy providers offer feed-in tariffs or incentives for energy sent back to the grid, turning your solar system into a potential revenue source.

Octopus Energy: A Case Study in Feed-In Tariffs and Off-Peak Charging

Octopus Energy, a UK-based energy supplier, offers innovative tariffs that can maximize the benefits of adding a battery to your solar system. Their tariffs, like Octopus Agile, provide dynamic pricing, which means the cost of electricity changes based on demand. Here’s how you can take advantage:

  • Off-Peak Charging: With a smart battery system, you can charge your batteries during off-peak hours when electricity prices are lower. This strategy, known as 'price arbitrage', allows you to use or sell this energy during peak times at a higher rate.
  • Peak Shaving: This involves using stored energy during peak demand times to avoid high tariffs. It not only saves money but also helps in balancing the grid.
  • Feed-In Tariffs: Octopus Energy and similar companies offer tariffs for energy fed back into the grid. With a battery, you can choose the most profitable times to export your surplus energy.


The integration of batteries into an existing solar PV system presents a multitude of benefits. It enhances self-consumption, reduces electricity bills, and contributes to a more sustainable and resilient energy system. Companies like Octopus Energy are at the forefront of leveraging these benefits through innovative tariffs and smart energy solutions. As we transition to a more renewable-focused energy landscape, the role of batteries in solar systems becomes increasingly vital, not just for individual households but for the broader energy grid as well.

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